English Literature
Final Examination - Batch No. 05 ( 2009 - 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer question No. 01 and three others selecting one from each section property, drama and prose.
(01) Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below.
(a) “Your French people have a cute way of doing business. You go and tell your boss that if he doesn’t come right away I am going”.
i. From where are these lines taken ? Who wrote them ?
ii. Who speaks these words ? To whom are they spoken ?
iii. What impression of the speaker do you get from these words.
(b) “I’ll give you what ever you want if you will be kind to me - a thousand dollars if you’ll leave me alone and come back another day”.
i. From where are these lines taken ? Who is the author ?
ii. Who speaks these wards ? To whom are they spoken ?
iii. What does “be kind to me? mean here ?
(c) “For who can bear to feel himself forgotten”.
i. From whom is this taken ? Who is the writer ?
ii. Who is the “himself” referred to ?
iii. Why should the person feel forgotten ?
(d) “He found a biscuit got it out sniffed it and then to my delight ate it up”.
i. From which text is this extract taken ? Who wrote it ?
ii. Who is the “he” referred to and why was the narrator delighted by his action ?
iii. What does the writer feel towards the “he” ?
(e) “Please god make him think I am still pretty”.
i. From where is this line taken ? Who wrote it ?
ii. Who says this & who is the “him” referred to ?
iii. What is the situation described here ?
(f) “She had refused to take her niece
To hear this entertaining piece
A deprivation just & wise
To punish her for telling lies”.
i. What is the title of the poem ? Who is the poet ?
ii. Who is the “she” mentioned here ?
iii. What were the “lies” she had told ?
What happened as a result of these ?
(02) “Wedding Photographs show a reflection of the social customs connected with the marriage ceremonies of the period”. Discuss.
(03) Tennyson conveys a serious message in “the charge of the light brigade”. Do you think he succeeded in his efforts ?
(04) Do you think “Matilda”, an altogether humouraus poem ? Justify your answer with examples from the text.
(05) “Christmas is about sharing and commitment” Do you think this is a relevant statement about the story, the gifts of the Magi.
(06) In the dark years the reader finds Mandela a true partiot. While at the some time a true son and father. Do you think this is true ?
(07) Describe the character of the chief priest in the short story Monkeys and the role he played in guiding the Samanera.
(08) In general, business transactions are profit motivated and entirely to ones benefit - Discuss this statement in relevant to the play “Villa for sale”.
(09) The drama is every man enlightens the audience on certain aspects of death. What do you think these are ? Illustrate with reference to the text.
English Literature
Final Examination - Batch No. : 06 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer question No. 01 and three others from Part - II
(01) Read the following and answer the questions given below.
(a) “I spoke to one and other of them by mound and stone and tree”.
i. Where is the speaker ?
ii. Who are referred to as them ?
iii. What are “mound and stone” mentioned in these lines ?
(b) “Have clapped my hands from the door when it seemed as if I could bear no more”.
i. Why did the writer clap his hands ?
ii. What was he unable to bear ?
iii. What did the writer feel after he had clapped his hands ?
(c) “The little fellow was a fountain of endless chatter”.
i. Who is the little fellow ?
ii. What is the relationship between the person and the little fellow ?
iii. What were the person’s feelings towards the little fellow ?
(d) “She refused to take her niece to hear this entertaining piece”.
i. Who is the she referred to ?
ii. Who was the niece ?
iii. Why did she not take the niece with her ?
(e) “A violet by a mossy stone
Half hidden from the eye
Fair as a star when only one
Is shining in the sky”.
i. Who is being described by these lines ?
ii. Who is the poet ?
iii. What can be said about the person described by these lines ?
(02) How does Jean Arasanayagam describe her mother-in-law on her wedding day ? What is revealed about the costumes and traditions of the bride and groom ?
(03) How does Seamus Heaney describe his brother’s death in Mid Term Break ? What are the feelings experienced by the people in the poem ?
(04) What is the situation described by the poet in “Leave Taking” ? Do you think this reflects the situation in the present times ?
(05) Tennyson conveys a serious message in the “charge of the light Brigade”. Discuss.
(06) J. Reeves says “The sea is a hungry dog - giant and grey”. Do you think it is a suitable comparison ?
English Literature
Final Examination - Batch No. : 07 ( 2010 / 2011 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer Part - I and 03 questions from Part - II.
Answer all questions.
Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below.
(01) “For who can bear to feel himself forgotten”.
i. From where is this taken - Who is the poet ?
ii. Why should the person feel himself forgotten ?
(02) “She had refused to take her niece
To hear this entertaining piece
A deprivation just & wise.
To punish her for telling lies”.
i. Who is the “she” mentioned here ? Who is the niece ?
ii. Do you think the punishment was just & wise ?
(03) “And go on for about a week
And it will not be pleasant”
i. Who is the speaker ? What is the situation ?
ii. Why will it not be pleasant ?
(04) “Have clapped my hands from the door
When it seemed as if I could bear no more”.
i. Why is the writer clapping his hands ? What was he unable to bear ?
ii. What are the writer’s feelings after he has clapped his hands ?
(05) “Stormed at with shot & shell
Boldly they rode & well”.
i. Who are the “they” ?
ii. What is the situation referred to ?
Answer any three of the following
(i) How does the poet describe Lucy in the poem “She dwelt among the untrodden ways”. What does he say about her death ?
(ii) Andrew Motion creates an interesting picture of Anne Frank and her surroundings. Does he succeed in evoking sympathy in the reader ?
(iii) What is the situation described by the poet in Leave Taking ? Do you think this type of situation is a realistic one ?
(iv) Do you think “Matilda” an altogether humourous poem ? Justify your answer with reference to the text.
(v) In the poem “The Sea”, by James Reeves, he compares the sea to a dog. How successful is his comparison ?
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