Diploma in Primary Education
Principles of Primary Education - II
Final Examination - Batch : 07 ( 2008 - 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Instructions :
Answer only 5 questions, selecting at least one question from each part.
Principles of Education
(01). Describe the use of the following two methods of teaching in Primary Education:
i.. Discovery method.
ii. Activity method.
(02). Suppose you are to do a lesson in Environmental Studies in Grade – 3 on “Birds around us”. Decide the specific objectives of your lesson and state them.
(03). What are the multiple intelligences identified by Howard Gardner ? Briefly explain each one with examples.
(04). Give five professional skills a primary teacher should develop in her.
Values Education
(05). i. What do you mean by character ?
ii. What are essential qualities of a character ?
(06). Write short notes on four of the following topics.
a. What is a human value ?
b. Moral judgment.
c. Honesty.
d. Use of stories in values education.
e. Teacher as a model.
(07). Give a list of values that we need to inculcate in a primary school child.
Classroom Management.
(08). i. Write 03 methods of working with impulsive children.
ii. Write 03 methods of helping surface learners think more deeply.
iii. Write 03 methods of organizing the classroom for self learning.
(09). i.. Write 03 rules which enable to respect for self.
ii. Describe why rules do not work in schools.
iii. Describe how to praise.
Diploma in Primary Education
Principles of Primary Education - II
Final Examination - Batch : 08 ( 2009 - 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Instructions :
Answer only 5 questions selecting at least one question from each part.
Part - I
Education Theory
(01). Suppose you are to do a lesson in Environmental Studies in Grade – 3 on “People who help us”. Decide the specific objectives of your lesson and state them. ( 20 marks )
(02). Explain.
i. 5e learning cycle.
ii. Nine events of instruction. ( 10 x 2 = 20 marks )
(03). What are the characteristics of a good lesson ? Discuss. ( 20 marks )
(04). Write a list of instructions to Primary teachers on the art of questioning in teaching.
( 20 marks )
Part - II
Values Education
05). What are the values needed to be inculcated in Primary school children ?( 20 marks )
(06). State five effective methods of teaching values to primary school children and explain them.
( 20 marks )
Part - III
Classroom Management
(07). i. Describe how to organize a learning classroom for children.
ii. Write 05 rules to reduce deviant time in learning.
iii. Describe the importance of eye contact and teachers body language in controlling the class. ( 7 + 5 + 8 = 20 marks )
(08). i. Write 05 characteristics of an authoritarian teacher.
ii. Write 05 instructions for pupils taking a group work.
iii. Write the types of reward systems needed to motivate learning.
( 5 + 5 + 10 = 20 marks )
Diploma in Primary Education
Principles of Primary Education - II
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 - 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Instructions :
m Answer only 05 questions selecting at least one question from each part.
(01.) Write short notes on 04 of the following.
i. Nine Intelligences.
ii. How to improve Lecture Method ?
iii. What is Discussion Method ?
iv. Uses of Questioning in teaching.
( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(02.) i. How would you use Interactive Method in a lesson ? ( 10 marks )
ii. Write 05 ways of correcting children’s misbehaviour. ( 10 marks )
(03.) You are requested to prepare a lesson note for a lesson in Environmental Study in Grade 03. The lesson topic is Uses of Water.
i. Write appropriate lesson objectives for your lesson. ( 10 marks )
ii. What are the basic concepts in your lesson ? ( 10 marks )
(04.) Write short notes on 04 of the following.
i. Moral judgement.
ii. What is conscience ?
iii. Stages of development of self discipline in children.
iv. Character.
v. Honesty as a human value. ( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(05.) Explain briefly 10 methods of teaching values to children in primary classes.
( 20 marks )
(06.) i. Write how arrogance and inconsistency of the teacher influence learning.
( 07 marks )
ii. Write how to help surface learners to think deeply. ( 06 marks )
iii. Write how to help students to pay attentions. ( 07 marks )
(07.) i. Write the reasons for differences in allocated time and learning time.
( 06 marks )
ii. Write how to organize a classroom to have flow lines. ( 06 marks )
ii. Write two rules pertaining to respect for property. ( 08 marks )