01 - Principles of Early Childhood Development Education
Final Examination - ( BATCH NO. - 07 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer five questions.
(1.) Write short notes on any four of the following.
i. Needs and Rights of the child in the early childhood.
ii. Nature of the child in early childhood.
iii. The need for Early Childhood Development Centres in Sri Lanka.
iv. Planned Play Activities in an Early Childhood Development Centre.
v. Equipment and materials needed for physical development of children in early childhood.
vi. Aims and objectives of an Early Childhood Development Centre.
(2.) Examine the contributions made by any two of the following to Early Childhood Development Education.
i. Comenius.
ii. Rousseau.
iii. Dewey.
(3.) i. State 06 principles underlying the Montessori Method.
ii. What is meant by training of senses of children ? Suggest 05 activities for training of senses.
iii. How to enhance self-learning in children ? Explain.
(4.) Describe the role of the pre-school teacher in the development of the following aspects of the child in early childhood.
i. Physical
ii. Social
iii. Cognitive.
(5.) Imagine that you are to address the parents of an Early Childhood Development Centre, on the day of admission of children. Write down the speech that you are going to deliver.
(6.) i. What are the causes for disruptive behaviour in children ? Explain giving examples.
ii. Suggest ways of correcting them.
(7.) i. Explain what you mean by, “a curriculum for the pre-school”.
ii. Identify the major aspects in the curriculum and prepare lists of topics for any two of them.
(8.) Describe under the following an Early Childhood Development Centre you have observed.
i. Location and environment.
ii. Buildings and equipment.
iii. Reports maintained.
iv. Learning teaching process.
01 - Principles of Early Childhood Development Education
Final Examination - BATCH NO. - 09
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer question 01 and any four others.
(1.) Answer all questions.
i. Give three names for Early Childhood Development Centres as normally used in Sri Lanka.
ii. Describe the nature of “the absorbent mind” of the child in his early childhood.
iii. What do you mean by the overall development of a child ?
iv. Explain the nature of the child in his early childhood.
v. Highlight the difference between a Day-care Centre and an Early Childhood Development Centre.
vi. Give 05 reasons for the need for Early Childhood Development Education.
vii. Name 05 types of documents maintained in an Early Childhood Development Centre.
viii. Explain the significance of Early Childhood Development.
ix. Write a short note on the Early Childhood Development Education in Sri Lanka.
x. Explain the nature of learning teaching activities implemented in an Early Childhood Development Centre. ( 02 x 10 = 20 Marks )
(2.) i. What is the aim of Early Childhood Development Education ?
ii. What are the objectives through which you could achieve the aim you have mentioned ?
( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(3.) i. Name 05 philosophers who have contributed to Early Childhood Development Education.
ii. Select any 02 philosophers you have mentioned and describe their contributions under the following.
* Child
* Learning / Teaching Methods and Learning / Teaching aids
* Teacher’s Role.
( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(4.) i. What are the five curriculum areas in the Montessori Method of Education ?
ii. Describe any three of them.
( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(5.) Imagine that you are going to open an Early Childhood Development Centre.
i. What are the areas of learning that you will include in the curriculum ?
ii. Select any two and mention the topics that you would include under each of them.
( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(6.) i. What do you mean by the socialization of a child ?
ii. Name five major agents of socialization and selecting any two, explain how they contribute to the socialization of a child. ( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(7.) i. Name five rights of children.
ii. Describe how an Early Childhood Development Education Teacher could protect the child’s right to education. ( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(8.) i. Name & describe five benefits of parent involvement in an Early Childhood
Development Centre.
ii. Suggest some useful activities parents could engage in an Early Childhood
Development Centre.
( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(9.) i. What are values ?
ii. Name and describe three methods of inculcating values in pre-school children.
( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(10.) i. What do you mean by the role of a teacher ?
ii. Describe the major functions related to role of the teacher in an early childhood Development Centre taking into consideration the following aspects.
* Knowledge
* Attitudes
* Skills ( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
01 - Principles of Early Childhood Development Education
Final Examination - BATCH NO. - 10 ( 2009 - 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer question 01 and any four others.
(1.) Answer all questions.
i. Describe the nature of the pre-school child.
ii. Explain the importance of Early Childhood Development Education.
iii. Name three types of institutions involved in Early Childhood Development Education.
iv. Describe the main characteristic features of a day care centre.
v. Describe the nature of the “absorbent mind” of the child in his early childhood.
vi. Name four rights of children.
vii. Give four benefits of parent involvement in an Early Childhood Development Centre.
viii. Suggest four useful activities parents could engage in an Early Childhood Development Centre.
ix. Explain the meaning of “socialization” of a child.
x. Name four agents of socialization. ( 02 x 10 = 20 Marks )
(2.) i. What is Education ?
ii. Describe the following :
* Informal Education
* Formal Education
* Non-formal Education ( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(3.) i. What is the aim of Early Childhood Development Education ?
ii. Name the objectives of Early Childhood Development Education.
( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(4.) Write short notes on the following :
i. Importance of values education.
ii. Moral Judgement.
iii. Honesty is the best policy.
iv. Use of stories for values education. ( 05 x 04 = 20 Marks )
(5.) i. What do you mean by a curriculum ?
ii. Name the areas of learning that you would include in the pre-school curriculum and describe any two of them. ( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(6.) Imagine that you have to address a new batch of pre-school teachers on, “the role of the
preschool teacher”. Write down the speech that you are going to deliver. ( 20 Marks )
(7.) i. What are the five curriculum areas in the Montessori Method of Education ?
ii. Describe any three of them. ( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(8.) i. Name five philosophers who have contributed to Early Childhood Development Education.
ii. Select any two and describe their contributions under the following.
* Child
* Learning / Teaching Methods
* Teacher’s Role ( 05 + 15 = 20 Marks )
(9.) Explain why you want to become a pre-school teacher. ( 20 Marks )
(10.) Describe about any early Childhood Development Centre you have observed under the following :
* Location and environment
* Nature of the activities implemented
* Reports maintained.
* Equipment and materials used. ( 05 X 04 = 20 Marks )
01 - Principles of Early Childhood Development Education
Final Examination - BATCH NO. - 11 ( 2009 - 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer five questions selecting at least one from each part.
(01.) Answer all questions.
i. What do you mean by Education ?
ii. Name two Child Rights and mention briefly how you are going to provide them in the pre-school.
iii. Name the three modes of education.
iv. Why do we believe that the pre-school child has an absorbent mind ?
v. Why do we need pre-schools ? Give four reasons.
vi. Name the major aspects that we should develop for the overall development of the child.
vii. How do pre-school children learn ?
viii. Describe briefly the nature of the pre-school child.
ix. Give four problems in pre-school education in Sri Lanka.
x. Write a short note on “Day Care Centres.”
( 02 x 10 = 20 Marks )
(02.) Imagine that you have to write an article on “pre-school education”; write down the article to include the following aspects.
i. What is pre-school education ? ( 02 Marks )
ii. Importance of pre-school education. ( 03 Marks )
iii. Aims and objectives of pre-school education ( 15 Marks )
(03.) i. What do you mean by the term “Curriculum” ? ( 05 Marks )
ii. Name the major areas of learning that should be included in the pre-school curriculum.
( 05 Marks )
iii. Describe any three. ( 10 Marks )
(04.) i. What do you mean by “the role of a pre-school teacher ?” ( 05 Marks )
ii. Name and describe the major functions in the role of a pre-school teacher.
( 05 Marks )
iii. What are the major skills and attitudes that should be developed by a pre-school teacher ? ( 10 Marks )
(05.) i. What do you mean by the term socialization ? ( 05 Marks )
ii. Name five agents of socialization. ( 05 Marks )
iii. Explain the importance of the family as an agent of primary socialization of a child. ( 10 Marks )
(06.) i. “Parental involvement is essential for children to ensure success in school” Describe.
( 10 Marks )
ii. Name and describe some useful activities parents could engage in a pre-school.
( 10 Marks )
(07.) Describe any pre-school you have observed, under the following.
* Location and the environment. ( 05 Marks )
* Leaning / Teaching process ( 05 Marks )
* Materials and equipment used. ( 05 Marks )
* The outdoor learning environment. ( 05 Marks )
(08.) i. Write down four main differences between a pre-school and a montessori.
( 08 Marks )
ii. Write down five main features of the Montessori Method of Education.
( 05 Marks )
iii. Mention two disadvantages of the Montessori Method. ( 02 Marks )
iv. Explain how No. 10 and 0 (zero) are taught in the Montessori Method.
( 05 Marks )
(09.) i. Write down a three Period Name lesson for any 03 numbers or letters.
( 06 Marks )
ii. Describe any three materials selecting one from each of the following curricula.
a) Sensorial
b) Language
c) Arithmetic ( 06 Marks )
iii. Write down the presentation (with illustrations wherever necessary) for any two of the following,
a) Pouring grain
b) Brown stair
c) Number rods and sandpaper association
d) How to roll a mat ( 08 Marks )
(10.) i. What do we mean by character ? ( 05 Marks )
ii. What are the essential qualities of a good character ? ( 15 Marks )
(11.) Suggest and describe five methods of helping children to learn values.( 20 Marks )
(12.) Write short notes on any four of the following topics,
i. Kindness.
ii. Basic human needs
iii. Morality and moral decision making
iv. Conscience
v. Teachers role as a model.
( 05 x 04 = 20 Marks )
01 - Principles of Early Childhood Development Education
Final Examination : Batch No. 12 ( 2010 - 2011 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer five questions selecting at least one from each part.
(01.) Answer all questions.
i. Explain the concept of education.
ii. What are the three modes of education ?
iii. Why is there a need for pre-school education ? Give three reasons.
iv. How does the pre-school child learn ?
v. What do you mean by a “curriculum” ?
vi. What are the Learning Teaching Methods used in a pre-school to engage children in learning ?
vii. Describe the equipment used in the pre-school play ground.
viii. Name five types of records maintained in a pre-school.
ix. Name three useful activities parents could engage in a pre-school.
x. Why do you refer to the pre-school child’s mind as an absorbent mind ?
( 02 x 10 = 20 Marks )
(02.) i. What do you mean by Early Childhood Development Education ?( 05 Marks )
ii. What are the aims and objectives of Early Childhood Development Education ?
( 15 Marks )
(03.) i. Name five philosophers who have contributed to Early Childhood Development Education.
( 05 Marks )
ii. Select any two and describe their contributions under the following.
* Child
* Learning Teaching Methods.
* Teacher’s Role. ( 15 Marks )
(04.) i. What are the major areas of learning that should be included in the pre-school curriculum ?
( 10 Marks )
ii. Describe any three. ( 10 Marks )
(05.) i. What is “socialization” ? ( 05 Marks )
ii. Name the most important agent of socialization during the Primary Stage of socialization.
( 05 Marks )
iii. Explain its importance as an agent of primary socialization of a child.
( 10 Marks )
(06.) i. Explain the needs of a pre-school child. ( 05 Marks )
ii. Describe how a pre-school teacher could cater to them. ( 10 Marks )
(07.) Describe the role of the pre-school teacher. ( 20 Marks )
(08.) i. Describe any one material from each of the following curricula.
a) Sensorial
b) Language
c) Arithmetic ( 06 Marks )
ii. Write four main differences between a preschool and a Montessori.( 04 Marks )
iii. Mention any five important roles of an adult in a Montessori. ( 05 Marks )
iv. Write down the presentation for any one of the following.
a) How to carry and place a mat.
b) How to carry and place a table between two.
c) How to offer a pen.
c) Spindle Box. ( 05 Marks )
(09.) i. Write two main purposes of EPL. ( 02 Marks )
ii. Write Three Period Name Lesson to teach the names of three animals, using pictures. ( 05 Marks )
iii. Explain how any one of the following is taught in the Montessori Method.
a) Number 10
b) Zero
c) Decimal System. ( 03 Marks )
iv. Write the five categories under EPL. ( 05 Marks )
v. Name the materials used to teach the following.
a) Different sounds ( loud and soft )
b) Different shapes and forms.
c) Odd and even
d) Phonetic words.
e) Tertiary colours ( 05 Marks )
(10.) Write short notes on any two of the following.
a) Moral decision making.
b) What is character ?
c) Conscience ( the voice of heart ) ( 10 + 10 = 20 Marks )
(11.) Imagine that you are to conduct a lesson on “People who help us” in Grade - 3,
a) Identify five human values you could integrate into the lesson. ( 10 Marks )
b) Describe how you are going to conduct this lesson. ( 10 Marks )
(12.) Briefly describe four teaching methods for Values Education in the pre-school.
( 05 x 04 = 20 Marks )