Methodology of Teaching English
Final Examination - Batch : 05 ( 2008 / 2009
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer all the questions.
01. What is the importance of having eye contact with the learners ?
02. Write 2 ways of making the children engage in an activity.
03. Write 2 advantages of allowing children to work individually.
04. Name 2 ways of evaluating the success or failure of their lessons.
05. What are fringe areas ?
06. Write 2 characteristics of a conducive classroom environment.
07. Identify 2 characteristics of a good teacher.
08. Name 2 examples of what you read for survival.
09. Write 2 things that would help students to practice comprehensive reading.
10. Write 2 reading sub skills.
11. Name 2 reading activities.
12. When do you do intensive listening ?
13. Write 2 purposes of listening.
14. Name 2 activities for developing listening skills.
15. Name 2 types of drilling language.
16. Identify 2 activities for oral practice.
17. Is fluency or accuracy emphasized when doing speaking activities in class ?
18. What are the 3 stages of a reading lesson ?
19. Write 2 reading techniques.
20. Write 2 activities that we do during the “while reading phase”.
21. What helps to convey the writer’s ideas in a piece of writing ?
22. Name the basic writing skills.
23. What technique will you apply during the pre writing stage ?
24. What is the basic skill in language learning ?
25. Write 3 characteristics of a good question.
26. Name 2 types of questions.
27. What is “wait time” in questioning ?
28. Write 2 reasons for questioning.
29. Write 4 things you would remember when questioning in class.
30. How do you motivate a child when he gives a correct answer ?
31. Why do you question during the pre-reading stage ?
32. Write 2 reasons why children may not respond during questioning.
33. What is peer learning ?
34. How should you distribute the questions ?
( 1 x 60 = 60 marks )
Read and answer all questions.
A man who was having a month’s holiday in a village beside the sea was getting a lot of stomach - aches. Therefore he went to see the local doctor. The doctor examined him and then advised him to eat only meat for the rest of his holiday. “If you go to the Jack’s shop in the main street of the village, you can get lots of good meat there”, said the doctor. The man was surprised at this and said, “will that cure my stomachache, doctor ?”
“I don’t know”, answered the doctor. “But there is one thing that I know, it’ll make my brother Jack very happy”.
Write examples of different forms of questions based on the text.
01. A “wh” question.
02. An alternative / choice question.
03. An inverted question which begins with an auxiliary ( Yes / No )
04. A tag question.
05. A divergent question.
( 04 x 05 = 20 marks )
Answer two questions only.
01. Discuss the different ways of presenting vocabulary.
02. How would you help a reader to understand a reading passage.
03. Describe the importance of “Teacher Talk” in the classroom.
04. Explain how you would create a language rich classroom environment.
05. Explain why classroom management is important for a teacher.
(10 x 02 = 20 marks )
Methodology of Teaching English
Final Examination - Batch : 07 ( 2008 / 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer all questions. Write answers in the space given.
01. Name two productive skills in language.
02. What does the reader do when the writer encodes a message ?
03. Name the three stages of a reading lesson.
04. What is a reading strategy ?
05. Write two reading strategies.
06. Write two activities suitable for the “while reading phase”.
07. Name two acclivities suitable for the “post reading phase”.
08. Write two reasons for why we read.
09. What are the three areas of knowledge involved in speaking ?
10. Give two examples of linguistic competence.
11. Write three examples of functions of language.
12. Name two strategies of developing speaking skills.
13. Write two ways of getting the meaning across of a word in communication.
14. Write two forms of language input at classroom level.
15. Name two writing skills.
16. Write two reasons for teaching writing.
17. Write two ways of helping students poor at writing.
18. Identify what type of listening will be involved in the following.
Pop songs - ___________________________________________________
Interviews - ___________________________________________________
News broadcast- ___________________________________________________
Jingles - ___________________________________________________
19. Write two enabling skills of listening.
20. Give four activities to develop listening skills in students.
21. Write two activities of pre-listening activities.
22. Write two examples of post listening activities.
23. Identify two characteristics of a good question.
24. Write four purposes of questioning.
25. What is meant by wait time ?
26. Write two questioning strategies.
( 60 marks )
Read the following passage. Write one example for each of the different types
of questions given below.
One of the best jobs I ever had was when I worked for a company supplying food to the airlines. I’d only been there a week when they sent me to Tokyo. They had some complaints about the food and wanted me to check it out. I spent a lot of time discussing the passenger’s reports with the flight crew and I really enjoyed the experience. Then there was the time they sent me to Mombasa in Africa. This time it was to find a supplier for fresh fruit. That meant I had a week’s holiday on the beach in between meeting local fruit wholesellers and tasting the most delicious exotic fruits.
01. “Wh” question.
02. Choice / alternative Question
03. Inverted question which begins with an auxiliary.
04. Tag Question.
05. Divergent or open ended question.
( 02 x 05 = 10 marks )
Answer any two questions.
01. List out different ways of teaching vocabulary.
02. Design four activities suitable for oral practice.
03. How can “collaborative writing” help students with their writing in the classroom ?
04. How can you ensure an English atmosphere in class ?
( 15 x 02 = 30 mark )
Methodology of Teaching English
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer all questions. Write answers in the space given.
01. Name two productive skills in language.
02. Write two features of a good question.
03. Write two reasons for questioning.
04. What is meant by “wait-time” ?
05. Why do we read the following for ?
* Magazines - _________________________________________________
* Text books - __________________________________________________
* Business letters - __________________________________________________
* Train timetables - __________________________________________________
06. How does prior knowledge or global knowledge help reading ?
07. What is meant by K - W - L Technique ?
08. What is “cohesion of a text” ?
09. Write two reading sub-skills.
10. What is a reading strategy ?
11. Write two activities suitable for the post-reading phase of a lesson.
12. Write two features of “sign-post” questions.
13. Write two ways of helping students with a difficult reading text.
14. What kind of texts are the following.
* Store in a cool place - ___________________________________________
* Then boil some water - ____________________________________________
* Hi ! what’s up ? - ____________________________________________
* Closed for lunch - ____________________________________________
15. Write two factors that should be considered before presenting new vocabulary.
16. How do you present abstract words ?
17. Write two subskills of listening.
18. What is “intensive listening” ?
19. Write two activities for the “while listening stage” of a lesson.
20. Write two main kinds of listening in an ELT classroom.
21. What do you understand of teachers “rough-tuning their speech” ?
22. State two difficulties / problems that students face in listening activities.
23. What do students listen to, during the first-time round of a recording ?
24. What is the goal of teaching speaking ?
25. Write two examples for linguistic competence.
26. What does content-oriented input focus on ?
27. Name two strategies for developing speaking skills.
28. Name two activities of oral skills.
29. Name two basic skills of writing.
30. Write two reasons for teaching writing.
31. Write two activities that would help writing for elementary learners.
32. What is the key factor considered in writing activities at higher levels ?
33. Write two ways of helping students poor at writing ?
34. Write two ways of motivating students to write.
35. What is “collaborative writing”?
36. Write the following steps in order for a writing lesson.
refining, peer checking, brainstorming, discussing content, re-drafting, drafting.
( 03 marks)
( Total = 74 marks )
Answer all questions.
(01) Read the following article. Write questions as stated below based on the given article.
A Mega “Kotthu Roti”
The biggest ever Kotthu roti was made at the Kandy City Center recently, said a Kandy Hotel School Source. Fifty chefs under the skilful guidance of the popular chef Dr. Pubilis Silva made this mega Kotthu Roti. The kandy Hotel School and other hotels in the historic city sponsored the event.
- Junior Observer 26/ 09/ 2010 -
01. A “Wh” question.
02. An alternative / Choice Question
03. Tag questions
04. Inverted question which begins with an auxiliary (YES / NO)
05. Divergent / open ended question.
( 10 marks )
(02) Indicate whether the following listening activities are reciprocal / non reciprocal and transactional / interactional by placing a “ ”.
Activity Recipro Non
Recipro Trans Inter
i. Listening to announcements
ariport / stations
ii. Participating in a face to face conversation
iii. Listening to a formal lecture
iv. Taking part in a lesson
v. Listening to news
( 06 marks )
(03) Answer either
Describe situations in which teachers can use appropriate classroom language forms eg. greeting
while entering the class.
Describe the different ways of presenting the meaning of new vocabulary to students.
( 10 marks )