Educational Technology
Final Examination - Batch : 08 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 45 Minutes
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer all questions.
(01.) What is the inappropriate action to be used, whenever you use chalk or white board ?
i. Keep shoulders facing chalk-board.
ii. Keep hand directly in front of shoulder while writing.
iii. Move your body as you write.
iv. Always looking at the white board without keeping eye contact with students.
(02.) Underline the item in electronic media format;
i. Book in print form.
ii. Diagram shown on a television screen.
iii. Diagram drawn on the wall.
iv. Printed, photocopied handout.
(03.) Select the media which is capable of integrating text, sound and pictures using single medium;
i. Radio iii. Internet (i-media)
ii. Television iv. Traditional text book
(04.) What is the handy and low cost multimedia appliance easily available in the market.
i. Laptop computer with multimedia facility.
ii. Table top personal computer with multi-media facility.
iii. Mobile phone with audio/ video recorder, still camera, text based massage service/ phone/ TV/ Radio etc.
iii. Internet TV with a LCD screen.
(05.) Underline the cheapest, durable and safer storage system, where you can keep audiovisual programmes for future use.
i. Printed paper based (hard copy) material.
ii. Audio / video taped programmes
iii. Computer magnetic hard disc based programmes.
iv. Programmes copied to CD/ DVD programmes
(06.) What is the item not relevant to write-on-aids;
i. White board (with magi-marker pens)
ii. Over Head Projector (with OHP transparencies and OHP pens)
iii. Flip chart with large writing papers and writing tools.
iv. Computer visuals projected on to a screen.
(07.) Educational Technology (ET) is not the art of; (select the correct choice)
i. Using available technology tools to improve classroom teaching.
ii. Replacing a teacher using modern technology tools.
iii. Supplementing classroom teaching with tools available in the technology.
iv. Coaching students without any technology tool.
(08.) In traditional photographic media, the recording method is;
i. Computer driven digital recording.
ii. Chemical pigment based photographic recording.
iii. Pigment based printing (Colour or Black and White).
iv. Non of the above methods.
(09.) Select the correct combination of text based print media, computer based electronic media and film based media materials (in the order given).
i. Magazine/ CD or DVD based Audiovisual Programmes/ Post card size photo-print of a diagram.
ii. CD or DVD based Audio-Visual Progammes / post card size photoprint of a diagram / Magazine.
iii. Postcard size photo print of a diagram/ magazine/ CD or DVD based Audio-visual programmes
iv. Non of the above choices.
(10.) Audio-visual teacher seems to be a,
i. Team leader iii. Knowledge manager
ii. Resource facilitator iv. a leader coordinating above roles.
Write short answers :
(11.) Divide electronic media into 3 categories.
i. ______________ ii. ______________
iii. ______________
(12.) What are the three components of a multi-media programme or a system.
i. ______________ ii. ______________
iii. ______________
(13.) Write 3 popular field events which could be used to supplement classroom teaching.
i. ______________ ii. ______________
iii. ______________
(14.) What is Educational Technology ? ( Write your own definition in simple words ).
(15.) i. What are Audio-Visual Aids ?
ii. What are the reasons be link using AV aids ?
Educational Technology
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 01 hour
Total marks : 100
Answer all questions.
Multiple Choice Questions - Underline the appropriate choice.
1) Select the choice which is not relevant to Educational Technology (ET)?
a) ET is the effective use of technology to enhance teaching and learning activities .
b) Use of multimedia technologies or audiovisual aids as a tool to improve teaching and learning processes.
c) Application of technology to operate school services such as catering, nursing, transport and maintenance of infrastructure.
d) Educational technologies are technologies that are used in teaching and learning process.
2) A-V-P stands for (Audio-Video and Print)
Choose the correct set of words given below to tally with A-V-P.
a) Radio-Television-Newspaper b) Magazine-Computer-Radio
c) Telephone-Textbook-Television d) Television-Radio-Textbook
3) Which educational aid does not belong to the category of “Write-on-aid” AV aids.
a) Chalk Board (with chalk)
b) White Board (with white board marker)
c) Exercise or CR Book
d) Cinema Screen
4) The chalk board is not,
a) reusable
b) easy to maintain
c) cost effective (no maintenance cost)
d) capable of keeping permanent records or information.
5) Select the correct set of electronic media (e-media) tools.
a) Multi-media mobile phone, Digital Video Camera, CD/ VCD/ DVD player.
b) Still film camera, Phonograph or Gramophone, Movie film camera.
c) Desktop Computer, Over Head Projector, Digital TV receiver
d) CDMA land phone, ordinary land phone, movie film projector. (cinema projector)
6) Out of 150 teaching methods select the 3 methods directly related to audio-visual aids in teaching-learning process.
a) Photographs-Audio taped lessons-video taped lessons
b) Games-Educational tours-Story telling
c) Reading -Problem solving-Playing music
d) Debates-Cross word puzzles-Project work
7) Select the modern communication method which represents Sound (Audio), Visual material (Video) and Text (Printed or electronically generated letters)
a) Internet based multi-media programmes
b) FM radio programmes
c) Newspapers and magazines
d) Write-on-aids (writing boards)
8) Choose the equipment that doesn’t have projection facility.
a) Over Headed Projector (OHP)
b) Video Projector
c) Cinema Projector
d) Ordinary Colour Television or Computer Monitor
9) Identify the teaching-learning aids that belong to print-media category.
a) Flash cards, posters b) Magnetic tapes, 3D models
c) VCDs and DVDs d) Audio tapes and Video tapes
10) As supplementary teaching and learning aids, audio-visual materials;
a) could replace the task of the subject teacher
b) could supplement the teaching learning process
c) could complicate the learning process.
d) could be non of the above choices.
11) Write 3 forms of traditional Mass Media and form of New Media
Traditional Mass Media
i) ............................................ ii) .............................................
iii) ............................................
Most modern Media (Multi-media based) is
i) .................................................................
12) Make a list of four different teaching methods which can be used in your classroom instruction.
i) .................................. ii) ..................................
iii) .................................. iv) ..................................
13) List out 3 important roles to be played by the Classroom teacher.
i) .................................. ii) ..................................
iii) ..................................
14) What are the three basic elements which you will find in a computer based multi-media programme.
i) .................................. ii) ..................................
iii) ..................................
15) Make a list of
a) 3 Audio aids with sound.
i) .................................. ii) ..................................
iii) ..................................
b) 3 Audio Visual aids with Image.
i) .................................. ii) ..................................
iii) ..................................
Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
16) Video images are ........................................... (electronically, mechanically, chemically) recorded visuals of real objects.
17) Human voice, background music, dialogue or narration, noise and natural sound could be categorized under .......................
.......................... (Video, Audio, Video & Audio)
18) The recording device of a modern computer system could be considered as a ........................
................................. (magnetic based hard disk, plastic based film)
19) The most cost effective write-on aid for classroom use is .......................................... (chalk board, white board, electronic writing board)
20) Standard camera roll film for an ordinary photographic camera is ............................ (8mm, 16mm, 35mm, 70mm)
Educational Technology
Final Examination - Batch : 10 ( 2010 / 2011 )
Time : 01 hour
Total marks : 100
Answer all questions.
Multiple Choice Questions - Underline the appropriate choice.
1) Select the choice which is not relevant to Educational Technology (ET) ?
a) ET is the effective use of technology to enhance teaching and learning activities .
b) Use of multimedia technologies or audiovisual aids as a tool to improve teaching and learning processes.
c) Application of technology to operate school services such as catering, nursing, transport and maintenance of infrastructure.
d) Educational technologies are technologies that are used in teaching and learning process.
2) A-V-P stands for (Audio-Video and Print)
Choose the correct set of words given below to tally with A-V-P.
a) Radio-Television-Newspaper b) Magazine-Computer-Radio
c) Telephone-Textbook-Television d) Television-Radio-Textbook
3) Which educational aid does not belong to the category of “Write-on-aid” AV aids.
a) Chalk Board (with chalk) b) White Board (with white board marker)
c) Exercise or CR Book (with pen/ pencil) d) Cinema Screen (with a projector)
4) The chalk board is not,
a) reusable
b) easy to maintain
c) cost effective (no maintenance cost)
d) suitable to keep permanent information
5) Select the correct set of electronic media (e-media) equipment.
a) Multi-media mobile phone, Digital Video Camera, CD/ VCD/ DVD player.
b) Still film camera, Phonograph or Gramophone, Movie film camera.
c) Desktop Computer, Over Head Projector, Digital TV receiver
d) CDMA land phone, ordinary land phone, movie film projector. (cinema projector)
6) Out of 150 teaching methods taught what are the 3 methods directly related to audio-visual aids in teaching-learning process.
a) Photographs-Audio taped lessons-video taped lessons
b) Games-Educational tours-Story telling
c) Reading -Problem solving-Playing music
d) Debates-Cross word puzzles-Project work
7) Select the modern communication method which represents Sound (Audio), Visual material (Video) and Text (Printed or electronically generated letters)
a) Internet based multi-media programmes
b) FM radio programmes
c) Newspapers and magazines
d) Write-on-aids (writing boards)
8) Choose the equipment that doesn’t have projection facility.
a) Over Headed Projector (OHP)
b) Video Projector
c) Cinema Projector
d) Ordinary Colour Television Screen or Computer Monitor
9) Identify the teaching-learning aids that belong to print-media category.
a) Flash cards, posters, text books b) Magnetic tapes, 3D models
c) VCD, DVD, and HDD based media d) Audio tapes and Video tapes
10) As effective teaching and learning aids, audio-visual aids could;
a) replace the task of the subject teacher
b) supplement the teaching learning process
c) complicate the learning process.
d) be non of the above choices.
11) Write 3 forms of old type or traditional Mass Media and form of New Media
Old / Traditional Mass Media
i) ............................................ ii) .............................................
iii) ............................................
What is the most modern media type or category ?
i) .................................................................
12) Make a list of four different teaching methods which can be used to educate your children ?
i) .................................. ii) ..................................
iii) .................................. iv) ..................................
13) List out 3 important roles to be played by the Classroom teacher.
i) .................................. ii) ..................................
iii) ..................................
14) Why is the chalk / white board effective as a classroom aid. Write 03 top reasons.
i) .................................. ii) ..................................
iii) ..................................
15) What are the multi-media facilities available in modern mobile phones ?
i) .................................. ii) ..................................
iii) ..................................
* Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
16) Video images are ........................................... (electronically, mechanically, chemically) recorded visuals of real objects.
17) Human voice, background music, dialogue or narration, noise and natural sound could be categorized
under ....................... (Video, Audio, Video & Audio)
18) The recording or storage device of a modern computer system is based on ........................
................................. (magnetic hard disk/ chemical film) methodology.
19) The cheapest (price) write-on aid for classroom use is .......................................... (chalk board, white board, electronic smart board)
20) Standard camera roll film for an ordinary photographic camera is ............................ (8mm, 16mm, 35mm, 70mm)