Methods of Teaching Environment Studies
Final Examination - Batch : 07 ( 2008 / 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS :Answer 05 questions selecting at least two from each part.
(01.) i. Examine the importance of environment related activities in the primary school curriculum.
ii. Write five objectives of teaching E.R.A. in the Primary school.
( 10 + 10 = 20 marks )
(02.) i. Highlight the importance of developing wholesome attitudes in children when teaching E.R.A.
ii. Name three learning teaching methods appropriate for the development of wholesome attitudes towards the environment and describe one.
( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(03.) Imagine that you are to make a presentation to a batch of new teachers on the topic “The Primary School E. R. A. Curriculum”. Write down your presentation. ( 20 marks )
(04.) Imagine that you are to guide a novice teacher to implement the E. R. A. learning teaching process in the Primary School. What instructions would you give him/ her for an effective implementation ? ( 20 marks )
(05.) i. What is the Project Method ?
ii. Select an appropriate topic and describe how you would implement the Project Method to teach the topic selected.
( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(06.) i. Describe what you mean by the role play method.
ii. Select an appropriate topic of your choice and describe step by step how you would adopt the Role Play Method to teach the topic selected.
( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(07.) Select any topic in the E. R. A. syllabus and prepare an activity for Grade 5.
( 20 marks )
Methods of Teaching Environment Studies
Final Examination - Batch : 08 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS :Answer question No. 01 and any four others.
(01.) i. Give two reasons for the importance of Environment Related Activities in the Primary School Curriculum.
ii. What are the subjects integrated into the E.R.A. curriculum ?
iii. Name five objectives of teaching E.R.A. in the primary school.
iv. What is a competency ? Explain.
v. Name three competencies to be achieved through the E.R.A. learning teaching process.
vi. What is “environment” ?
vii. What do you mean by the “child’s environment” ?
viii. Give an example of an assessment schedule to assess a few social skills in Grade - I
ix. Give 03 examples of classroom projects which could be implemented in the primary school.
x. What are the advantages of story-telling, as a learning teaching method for E.R.A. ?
( 02 x 10 = 20 marks )
(02.) i. How does the primary school child learn ?
ii. Name five instructions given to E.R.A. teachers for implementation of the learning teaching process appropriate for primary school child. ( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(03.) Imagine that you are to make a presentation to a new batch of teachers on the topic “The Primary School E.R.A. Curriculum. “Write down your presentation. ( 20 marks )
(04.) Prepare a lesson plan for Grade - I on the topic “My School”. ( 20 marks )
(05.) Prepare a lesson plan for Grade - 5 on the topic “People who help us”.( 20 marks )
(06.) i. What do you mean by the role play method ?
ii. Describe how you would implement the role play method to teach a selected topic.
( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(07.) Describe any two of the following learning teaching methods appropriate for teaching E. R. A. in the Primary School.
i. Field trips.
ii. Simulations
iii. Project method ( 10 + 10 = 20 marks )
(08.) Prepare a lesson plan for Grade - 3, on the topic, “Various uses of water” taking into consideration the following aspects as given in the syllabus.
* Find out how water is useful for personal needs.
* Find out the instances when water is used for domestic purposes.
* Other uses of water.
( 20 marks )
Methods of Teaching Environment Studies
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 - 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer any 05 questions selecting at least two from each part.
(01.) Write short notes on any four of the following.
i. “Environment”.
ii. “Child’s Environment” ?
iii. Importance of Environment Related Activities in the Primary School Curriculum.
iv. Instructions for implementation of the E.R.A. learning teaching process.
v. The primary school E. R. A. Curriculum.
( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(02.) Name five objectives of E.R.A. in the primary school and explain the efforts made in the curriculum to achieve the objectives mentioned. ( 20 marks )
(03.) Describe the importance of field trips as a learning teaching method for E. R. A. and explain how you would use same. ( 20 marks )
(04.) Explain the importance of Role Play as a learning teaching method for E.R.A. and selecting an appropriate topic, describe how you would use it. ( 20 marks )
(05.) i.. What is the Project Method ?
ii. Selecting an appropriate topic explain how you would implement a project.
( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(06.) Prepare a lesson plan for E. R. A in Grade - I on the topic “Our School”.
( 20 marks )
(07.) Prepare a lesson plan for Grade 5 on the topic “People who help us”. ( 20 marks )
(08.) Describe any four of the following.
i. Observation.
ii. Simulations.
iii. Story Telling
iv. Collections.
v. Nature Diary.
( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
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