Methods of Teaching Environment Studies
Final Examination - Batch : 07 ( 2008 / 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS :Answer 05 questions selecting at least two from each part.
(01.) i. Examine the importance of environment related activities in the primary school curriculum.
ii. Write five objectives of teaching E.R.A. in the Primary school.
( 10 + 10 = 20 marks )
(02.) i. Highlight the importance of developing wholesome attitudes in children when teaching E.R.A.
ii. Name three learning teaching methods appropriate for the development of wholesome attitudes towards the environment and describe one.
( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(03.) Imagine that you are to make a presentation to a batch of new teachers on the topic “The Primary School E. R. A. Curriculum”. Write down your presentation. ( 20 marks )
(04.) Imagine that you are to guide a novice teacher to implement the E. R. A. learning teaching process in the Primary School. What instructions would you give him/ her for an effective implementation ? ( 20 marks )
(05.) i. What is the Project Method ?
ii. Select an appropriate topic and describe how you would implement the Project Method to teach the topic selected.
( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(06.) i. Describe what you mean by the role play method.
ii. Select an appropriate topic of your choice and describe step by step how you would adopt the Role Play Method to teach the topic selected.
( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(07.) Select any topic in the E. R. A. syllabus and prepare an activity for Grade 5.
( 20 marks )
Methods of Teaching Environment Studies
Final Examination - Batch : 08 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS :Answer question No. 01 and any four others.
(01.) i. Give two reasons for the importance of Environment Related Activities in the Primary School Curriculum.
ii. What are the subjects integrated into the E.R.A. curriculum ?
iii. Name five objectives of teaching E.R.A. in the primary school.
iv. What is a competency ? Explain.
v. Name three competencies to be achieved through the E.R.A. learning teaching process.
vi. What is “environment” ?
vii. What do you mean by the “child’s environment” ?
viii. Give an example of an assessment schedule to assess a few social skills in Grade - I
ix. Give 03 examples of classroom projects which could be implemented in the primary school.
x. What are the advantages of story-telling, as a learning teaching method for E.R.A. ?
( 02 x 10 = 20 marks )
(02.) i. How does the primary school child learn ?
ii. Name five instructions given to E.R.A. teachers for implementation of the learning teaching process appropriate for primary school child. ( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(03.) Imagine that you are to make a presentation to a new batch of teachers on the topic “The Primary School E.R.A. Curriculum. “Write down your presentation. ( 20 marks )
(04.) Prepare a lesson plan for Grade - I on the topic “My School”. ( 20 marks )
(05.) Prepare a lesson plan for Grade - 5 on the topic “People who help us”.( 20 marks )
(06.) i. What do you mean by the role play method ?
ii. Describe how you would implement the role play method to teach a selected topic.
( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(07.) Describe any two of the following learning teaching methods appropriate for teaching E. R. A. in the Primary School.
i. Field trips.
ii. Simulations
iii. Project method ( 10 + 10 = 20 marks )
(08.) Prepare a lesson plan for Grade - 3, on the topic, “Various uses of water” taking into consideration the following aspects as given in the syllabus.
* Find out how water is useful for personal needs.
* Find out the instances when water is used for domestic purposes.
* Other uses of water.
( 20 marks )
Methods of Teaching Environment Studies
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 - 2010 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer any 05 questions selecting at least two from each part.
(01.) Write short notes on any four of the following.
i. “Environment”.
ii. “Child’s Environment” ?
iii. Importance of Environment Related Activities in the Primary School Curriculum.
iv. Instructions for implementation of the E.R.A. learning teaching process.
v. The primary school E. R. A. Curriculum.
( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(02.) Name five objectives of E.R.A. in the primary school and explain the efforts made in the curriculum to achieve the objectives mentioned. ( 20 marks )
(03.) Describe the importance of field trips as a learning teaching method for E. R. A. and explain how you would use same. ( 20 marks )
(04.) Explain the importance of Role Play as a learning teaching method for E.R.A. and selecting an appropriate topic, describe how you would use it. ( 20 marks )
(05.) i.. What is the Project Method ?
ii. Selecting an appropriate topic explain how you would implement a project.
( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(06.) Prepare a lesson plan for E. R. A in Grade - I on the topic “Our School”.
( 20 marks )
(07.) Prepare a lesson plan for Grade 5 on the topic “People who help us”. ( 20 marks )
(08.) Describe any four of the following.
i. Observation.
ii. Simulations.
iii. Story Telling
iv. Collections.
v. Nature Diary.
( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Dip in primary Education Enrichment Activities
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 07 ( 2008 / 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer only 20 questions only. Five marks for each answer.
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) How does TPR help learners in learning a language ?
( 02 marks )
(08) Name 02 kinds of Poetry.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of chants and rhymes.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - ________________________________
a guessing game - ________________________________
a problem solving activity - ________________________________
a vocabulary game - _______________________________
( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 components of a successful game.
( 03 marks )
(16) When is the ideal time to use language games with beginners.
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 ways of using songs successfully.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Why do you use Drama Activities ?
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 04 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 04 marks )
(28) Name 03 instruments in a primary percussion band.
( 03 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss.
(15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 08 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities. _________________________________________________________________
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) Name 02 kinds of poetry.
( 02 marks )
(08) Write 2 characteristics of chants.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of using chants and rhymes in a language classroom.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - _________________________________
a guessing game - _________________________________
a problem solving activity - _________________________________
a vocabulary game - _________________________________ ( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 benefits of language games.
( 03 marks )
(16) Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs.
_____________ a song _____________ a story
_____________ a poem _____________ an action
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 reasons that help learners remember a song.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Name a sinhala folk tale.
( 01 mark )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 02 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 02 marks )
(28) Name 02 rhythmic movements learners can do to music.
( 02 marks )
(29) Write a 04 lined verse for a “round”.
( 04 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss. (15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define the term enrichment activities.
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
(03) Write 02 reasons why enrichment activities help in language teaching ?
(04) When do you do “warmers” ?
(05) When do you have “fillers” ?
(06) Write 02 advantages of using language games for a teacher ?
(07) Name 02 examples of alphabet games that is suitable for Primary learners.
(08) Name 02 guessing games.
(09) Write an example of a vocabulary game.
(10) Name a problem solving activity.
(11) Write 02 advantages of having language games in class for a student.
(12) Write 02 components of a successful game.
(13) What kind of atmosphere prevails in a classroom when using language games ?
(14) Write 05 benefits of using songs in a language classroom.
(15) How do you start teaching a song ?
(16) What is the main benefit of an action song ?
(17) Write 02 factors you should consider when selecting a song for primary learners.
(18) What is TPR ?
(19) Name a song that uses TPR ?
(20) What kind of motivation helps children to be engaged in listening to a story ?
(21) Write 03 ways of how a teacher can be creative when using story telling in class.
(22) What do you do before you use a story in a classroom ?
(23) Write 03 activities you could do following a story.
(24) What language skills are developed in children when the teacher is engaged in story telling ?
(25) Name a popular English story for children.
(26) What helps the children to “hide behind” a character when dramatizing ?
(27) Write 02 things that children do when dramatizing in a group.
(28) State one reason how dramatization helps children to learn a language effectively.
(29) Give 02 examples how children could use drama in other subjects of the curriculum.
(30) Name a “finger-play”.
(31) Name a chant.
(32) Write an advantage of “finger play rhymes”.
(33) Write 02 uses of rhymes & chants.
(34) What are the 02 main characteristics that help children to learn & remember a poem or a rhyme ?
(35) Fill in the blanks with suitable action words.
______________ a song ______________ a poem ______________ a story
(36) Name 02 percussion instruments for very young learners.
(37) Write the following phrases to match the lines of the finger play.
standing near / not so tall / kind and dear / see how tall / sweet and small / one and all.
This is mama __________________________________
This is papa __________________________________
This is brother __________________________________
This is sister __________________________________
This is baby __________________________________
This is the family; __________________________________
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 07 ( 2008 / 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer only 20 questions only. Five marks for each answer.
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) How does TPR help learners in learning a language ?
( 02 marks )
(08) Name 02 kinds of Poetry.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of chants and rhymes.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - ________________________________
a guessing game - ________________________________
a problem solving activity - ________________________________
a vocabulary game - _______________________________
( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 components of a successful game.
( 03 marks )
(16) When is the ideal time to use language games with beginners.
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 ways of using songs successfully.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Why do you use Drama Activities ?
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 04 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 04 marks )
(28) Name 03 instruments in a primary percussion band.
( 03 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss.
(15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 08 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities. _________________________________________________________________
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) Name 02 kinds of poetry.
( 02 marks )
(08) Write 2 characteristics of chants.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of using chants and rhymes in a language classroom.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - _________________________________
a guessing game - _________________________________
a problem solving activity - _________________________________
a vocabulary game - _________________________________ ( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 benefits of language games.
( 03 marks )
(16) Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs.
_____________ a song _____________ a story
_____________ a poem _____________ an action
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 reasons that help learners remember a song.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Name a sinhala folk tale.
( 01 mark )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 02 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 02 marks )
(28) Name 02 rhythmic movements learners can do to music.
( 02 marks )
(29) Write a 04 lined verse for a “round”.
( 04 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss. (15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define the term enrichment activities.
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
(03) Write 02 reasons why enrichment activities help in language teaching ?
(04) When do you do “warmers” ?
(05) When do you have “fillers” ?
(06) Write 02 advantages of using language games for a teacher ?
(07) Name 02 examples of alphabet games that is suitable for Primary learners.
(08) Name 02 guessing games.
(09) Write an example of a vocabulary game.
(10) Name a problem solving activity.
(11) Write 02 advantages of having language games in class for a student.
(12) Write 02 components of a successful game.
(13) What kind of atmosphere prevails in a classroom when using language games ?
(14) Write 05 benefits of using songs in a language classroom.
(15) How do you start teaching a song ?
(16) What is the main benefit of an action song ?
(17) Write 02 factors you should consider when selecting a song for primary learners.
(18) What is TPR ?
(19) Name a song that uses TPR ?
(20) What kind of motivation helps children to be engaged in listening to a story ?
(21) Write 03 ways of how a teacher can be creative when using story telling in class.
(22) What do you do before you use a story in a classroom ?
(23) Write 03 activities you could do following a story.
(24) What language skills are developed in children when the teacher is engaged in story telling ?
(25) Name a popular English story for children.
(26) What helps the children to “hide behind” a character when dramatizing ?
(27) Write 02 things that children do when dramatizing in a group.
(28) State one reason how dramatization helps children to learn a language effectively.
(29) Give 02 examples how children could use drama in other subjects of the curriculum.
(30) Name a “finger-play”.
(31) Name a chant.
(32) Write an advantage of “finger play rhymes”.
(33) Write 02 uses of rhymes & chants.
(34) What are the 02 main characteristics that help children to learn & remember a poem or a rhyme ?
(35) Fill in the blanks with suitable action words.
______________ a song ______________ a poem ______________ a story
(36) Name 02 percussion instruments for very young learners.
(37) Write the following phrases to match the lines of the finger play.
standing near / not so tall / kind and dear / see how tall / sweet and small / one and all.
This is mama __________________________________
This is papa __________________________________
This is brother __________________________________
This is sister __________________________________
This is baby __________________________________
This is the family; __________________________________
Dip in primary Education Enrichment Activities
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 07 ( 2008 / 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer only 20 questions only. Five marks for each answer.
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) How does TPR help learners in learning a language ?
( 02 marks )
(08) Name 02 kinds of Poetry.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of chants and rhymes.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - ________________________________
a guessing game - ________________________________
a problem solving activity - ________________________________
a vocabulary game - _______________________________
( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 components of a successful game.
( 03 marks )
(16) When is the ideal time to use language games with beginners.
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 ways of using songs successfully.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Why do you use Drama Activities ?
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 04 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 04 marks )
(28) Name 03 instruments in a primary percussion band.
( 03 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss.
(15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 08 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities. _________________________________________________________________
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) Name 02 kinds of poetry.
( 02 marks )
(08) Write 2 characteristics of chants.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of using chants and rhymes in a language classroom.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - _________________________________
a guessing game - _________________________________
a problem solving activity - _________________________________
a vocabulary game - _________________________________ ( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 benefits of language games.
( 03 marks )
(16) Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs.
_____________ a song _____________ a story
_____________ a poem _____________ an action
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 reasons that help learners remember a song.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Name a sinhala folk tale.
( 01 mark )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 02 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 02 marks )
(28) Name 02 rhythmic movements learners can do to music.
( 02 marks )
(29) Write a 04 lined verse for a “round”.
( 04 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss. (15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define the term enrichment activities.
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
(03) Write 02 reasons why enrichment activities help in language teaching ?
(04) When do you do “warmers” ?
(05) When do you have “fillers” ?
(06) Write 02 advantages of using language games for a teacher ?
(07) Name 02 examples of alphabet games that is suitable for Primary learners.
(08) Name 02 guessing games.
(09) Write an example of a vocabulary game.
(10) Name a problem solving activity.
(11) Write 02 advantages of having language games in class for a student.
(12) Write 02 components of a successful game.
(13) What kind of atmosphere prevails in a classroom when using language games ?
(14) Write 05 benefits of using songs in a language classroom.
(15) How do you start teaching a song ?
(16) What is the main benefit of an action song ?
(17) Write 02 factors you should consider when selecting a song for primary learners.
(18) What is TPR ?
(19) Name a song that uses TPR ?
(20) What kind of motivation helps children to be engaged in listening to a story ?
(21) Write 03 ways of how a teacher can be creative when using story telling in class.
(22) What do you do before you use a story in a classroom ?
(23) Write 03 activities you could do following a story.
(24) What language skills are developed in children when the teacher is engaged in story telling ?
(25) Name a popular English story for children.
(26) What helps the children to “hide behind” a character when dramatizing ?
(27) Write 02 things that children do when dramatizing in a group.
(28) State one reason how dramatization helps children to learn a language effectively.
(29) Give 02 examples how children could use drama in other subjects of the curriculum.
(30) Name a “finger-play”.
(31) Name a chant.
(32) Write an advantage of “finger play rhymes”.
(33) Write 02 uses of rhymes & chants.
(34) What are the 02 main characteristics that help children to learn & remember a poem or a rhyme ?
(35) Fill in the blanks with suitable action words.
______________ a song ______________ a poem ______________ a story
(36) Name 02 percussion instruments for very young learners.
(37) Write the following phrases to match the lines of the finger play.
standing near / not so tall / kind and dear / see how tall / sweet and small / one and all.
This is mama __________________________________
This is papa __________________________________
This is brother __________________________________
This is sister __________________________________
This is baby __________________________________
This is the family; __________________________________
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 07 ( 2008 / 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer only 20 questions only. Five marks for each answer.
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) How does TPR help learners in learning a language ?
( 02 marks )
(08) Name 02 kinds of Poetry.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of chants and rhymes.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - ________________________________
a guessing game - ________________________________
a problem solving activity - ________________________________
a vocabulary game - _______________________________
( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 components of a successful game.
( 03 marks )
(16) When is the ideal time to use language games with beginners.
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 ways of using songs successfully.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Why do you use Drama Activities ?
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 04 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 04 marks )
(28) Name 03 instruments in a primary percussion band.
( 03 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss.
(15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 08 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities. _________________________________________________________________
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) Name 02 kinds of poetry.
( 02 marks )
(08) Write 2 characteristics of chants.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of using chants and rhymes in a language classroom.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - _________________________________
a guessing game - _________________________________
a problem solving activity - _________________________________
a vocabulary game - _________________________________ ( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 benefits of language games.
( 03 marks )
(16) Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs.
_____________ a song _____________ a story
_____________ a poem _____________ an action
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 reasons that help learners remember a song.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Name a sinhala folk tale.
( 01 mark )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 02 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 02 marks )
(28) Name 02 rhythmic movements learners can do to music.
( 02 marks )
(29) Write a 04 lined verse for a “round”.
( 04 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss. (15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define the term enrichment activities.
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
(03) Write 02 reasons why enrichment activities help in language teaching ?
(04) When do you do “warmers” ?
(05) When do you have “fillers” ?
(06) Write 02 advantages of using language games for a teacher ?
(07) Name 02 examples of alphabet games that is suitable for Primary learners.
(08) Name 02 guessing games.
(09) Write an example of a vocabulary game.
(10) Name a problem solving activity.
(11) Write 02 advantages of having language games in class for a student.
(12) Write 02 components of a successful game.
(13) What kind of atmosphere prevails in a classroom when using language games ?
(14) Write 05 benefits of using songs in a language classroom.
(15) How do you start teaching a song ?
(16) What is the main benefit of an action song ?
(17) Write 02 factors you should consider when selecting a song for primary learners.
(18) What is TPR ?
(19) Name a song that uses TPR ?
(20) What kind of motivation helps children to be engaged in listening to a story ?
(21) Write 03 ways of how a teacher can be creative when using story telling in class.
(22) What do you do before you use a story in a classroom ?
(23) Write 03 activities you could do following a story.
(24) What language skills are developed in children when the teacher is engaged in story telling ?
(25) Name a popular English story for children.
(26) What helps the children to “hide behind” a character when dramatizing ?
(27) Write 02 things that children do when dramatizing in a group.
(28) State one reason how dramatization helps children to learn a language effectively.
(29) Give 02 examples how children could use drama in other subjects of the curriculum.
(30) Name a “finger-play”.
(31) Name a chant.
(32) Write an advantage of “finger play rhymes”.
(33) Write 02 uses of rhymes & chants.
(34) What are the 02 main characteristics that help children to learn & remember a poem or a rhyme ?
(35) Fill in the blanks with suitable action words.
______________ a song ______________ a poem ______________ a story
(36) Name 02 percussion instruments for very young learners.
(37) Write the following phrases to match the lines of the finger play.
standing near / not so tall / kind and dear / see how tall / sweet and small / one and all.
This is mama __________________________________
This is papa __________________________________
This is brother __________________________________
This is sister __________________________________
This is baby __________________________________
This is the family; __________________________________
Dip in primary Education Enrichment Activities
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 07 ( 2008 / 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer only 20 questions only. Five marks for each answer.
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) How does TPR help learners in learning a language ?
( 02 marks )
(08) Name 02 kinds of Poetry.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of chants and rhymes.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - ________________________________
a guessing game - ________________________________
a problem solving activity - ________________________________
a vocabulary game - _______________________________
( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 components of a successful game.
( 03 marks )
(16) When is the ideal time to use language games with beginners.
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 ways of using songs successfully.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Why do you use Drama Activities ?
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 04 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 04 marks )
(28) Name 03 instruments in a primary percussion band.
( 03 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss.
(15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 08 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities. _________________________________________________________________
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) Name 02 kinds of poetry.
( 02 marks )
(08) Write 2 characteristics of chants.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of using chants and rhymes in a language classroom.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - _________________________________
a guessing game - _________________________________
a problem solving activity - _________________________________
a vocabulary game - _________________________________ ( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 benefits of language games.
( 03 marks )
(16) Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs.
_____________ a song _____________ a story
_____________ a poem _____________ an action
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 reasons that help learners remember a song.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Name a sinhala folk tale.
( 01 mark )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 02 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 02 marks )
(28) Name 02 rhythmic movements learners can do to music.
( 02 marks )
(29) Write a 04 lined verse for a “round”.
( 04 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss. (15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define the term enrichment activities.
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
(03) Write 02 reasons why enrichment activities help in language teaching ?
(04) When do you do “warmers” ?
(05) When do you have “fillers” ?
(06) Write 02 advantages of using language games for a teacher ?
(07) Name 02 examples of alphabet games that is suitable for Primary learners.
(08) Name 02 guessing games.
(09) Write an example of a vocabulary game.
(10) Name a problem solving activity.
(11) Write 02 advantages of having language games in class for a student.
(12) Write 02 components of a successful game.
(13) What kind of atmosphere prevails in a classroom when using language games ?
(14) Write 05 benefits of using songs in a language classroom.
(15) How do you start teaching a song ?
(16) What is the main benefit of an action song ?
(17) Write 02 factors you should consider when selecting a song for primary learners.
(18) What is TPR ?
(19) Name a song that uses TPR ?
(20) What kind of motivation helps children to be engaged in listening to a story ?
(21) Write 03 ways of how a teacher can be creative when using story telling in class.
(22) What do you do before you use a story in a classroom ?
(23) Write 03 activities you could do following a story.
(24) What language skills are developed in children when the teacher is engaged in story telling ?
(25) Name a popular English story for children.
(26) What helps the children to “hide behind” a character when dramatizing ?
(27) Write 02 things that children do when dramatizing in a group.
(28) State one reason how dramatization helps children to learn a language effectively.
(29) Give 02 examples how children could use drama in other subjects of the curriculum.
(30) Name a “finger-play”.
(31) Name a chant.
(32) Write an advantage of “finger play rhymes”.
(33) Write 02 uses of rhymes & chants.
(34) What are the 02 main characteristics that help children to learn & remember a poem or a rhyme ?
(35) Fill in the blanks with suitable action words.
______________ a song ______________ a poem ______________ a story
(36) Name 02 percussion instruments for very young learners.
(37) Write the following phrases to match the lines of the finger play.
standing near / not so tall / kind and dear / see how tall / sweet and small / one and all.
This is mama __________________________________
This is papa __________________________________
This is brother __________________________________
This is sister __________________________________
This is baby __________________________________
This is the family; __________________________________
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 07 ( 2008 / 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
INSTRUCTIONS : Answer only 20 questions only. Five marks for each answer.
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) How does TPR help learners in learning a language ?
( 02 marks )
(08) Name 02 kinds of Poetry.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of chants and rhymes.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - ________________________________
a guessing game - ________________________________
a problem solving activity - ________________________________
a vocabulary game - _______________________________
( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 components of a successful game.
( 03 marks )
(16) When is the ideal time to use language games with beginners.
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 ways of using songs successfully.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Why do you use Drama Activities ?
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 04 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 04 marks )
(28) Name 03 instruments in a primary percussion band.
( 03 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss.
(15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 08 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define enrichment activities.
_____________________________________________________________________ ( 02 marks )
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities. _________________________________________________________________
( 04 marks )
(03) Write 03 instances when these activities could be made use of in the classroom.
( 03 marks )
(04) Write 04 advantages of enrichment activities for language learners.
( 04 marks )
(05) Write 02 adjectives to describe the environment of a classroom when making use of enrichment activities.
( 02 marks )
(06) What is TPR ?
( 02 marks )
(07) Name 02 kinds of poetry.
( 02 marks )
(08) Write 2 characteristics of chants.
( 02 marks )
(09) Name 02 examples of chants.
( 02 marks )
(10) Write 02 advantages of using chants and rhymes in a language classroom.
( 02 marks )
(11) Give 02 examples of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(12) Write 02 advantages of Finger Play.
( 02 marks )
(13) Write 02 factors you would consider when selecting a poem for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(14) Name an alphabet game - _________________________________
a guessing game - _________________________________
a problem solving activity - _________________________________
a vocabulary game - _________________________________ ( 04 marks )
(15) Write 03 benefits of language games.
( 03 marks )
(16) Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs.
_____________ a song _____________ a story
_____________ a poem _____________ an action
( 02 marks )
(17) Write 03 benefits of story telling.
( 03 marks )
(18) Write 04 ways of making story telling interesting.
( 04 marks )
(19) Write 02 features you would be looking into when selecting a story for young learners.
( 02 marks )
(20) What will you do before you start story telling ?
( 02 marks )
(21) Write 02 reasons that help learners remember a song.
( 02 marks )
(22) Name 02 benefits of action songs.
( 02 marks )
(23) Name a sinhala folk tale.
( 01 mark )
(24) Write 02 non-verbal ways of communicating when dramatizing.
( 02 marks )
(25) Write 02 reasons why drama would help language learners.
( 02 marks )
(26) What helps learners to hide behind when dramatizing ?
( 02 marks )
(27) Write 02 themes that could be dramatized in class.
( 02 marks )
(28) Name 02 rhythmic movements learners can do to music.
( 02 marks )
(29) Write a 04 lined verse for a “round”.
( 04 marks )
( Total = 70 marks )
Answer 02 questions only.
(01) Discuss in relation to teachers and students why language games are essential in a Teachers’ Tool box.
(02) List out some activities that can be done after telling a story.
(03) What are the many benefits of teaching songs in a language classroom ?
(04) How can drama help in language learning ? Discuss. (15 x 2 = 30 marks )
Enrichment Activities
Final Examination - Batch : 09 ( 2009 / 2010 )
Time : 02 Hours
Answer all questions
(01) Define the term enrichment activities.
(02) Name 04 kinds of enrichment activities.
(03) Write 02 reasons why enrichment activities help in language teaching ?
(04) When do you do “warmers” ?
(05) When do you have “fillers” ?
(06) Write 02 advantages of using language games for a teacher ?
(07) Name 02 examples of alphabet games that is suitable for Primary learners.
(08) Name 02 guessing games.
(09) Write an example of a vocabulary game.
(10) Name a problem solving activity.
(11) Write 02 advantages of having language games in class for a student.
(12) Write 02 components of a successful game.
(13) What kind of atmosphere prevails in a classroom when using language games ?
(14) Write 05 benefits of using songs in a language classroom.
(15) How do you start teaching a song ?
(16) What is the main benefit of an action song ?
(17) Write 02 factors you should consider when selecting a song for primary learners.
(18) What is TPR ?
(19) Name a song that uses TPR ?
(20) What kind of motivation helps children to be engaged in listening to a story ?
(21) Write 03 ways of how a teacher can be creative when using story telling in class.
(22) What do you do before you use a story in a classroom ?
(23) Write 03 activities you could do following a story.
(24) What language skills are developed in children when the teacher is engaged in story telling ?
(25) Name a popular English story for children.
(26) What helps the children to “hide behind” a character when dramatizing ?
(27) Write 02 things that children do when dramatizing in a group.
(28) State one reason how dramatization helps children to learn a language effectively.
(29) Give 02 examples how children could use drama in other subjects of the curriculum.
(30) Name a “finger-play”.
(31) Name a chant.
(32) Write an advantage of “finger play rhymes”.
(33) Write 02 uses of rhymes & chants.
(34) What are the 02 main characteristics that help children to learn & remember a poem or a rhyme ?
(35) Fill in the blanks with suitable action words.
______________ a song ______________ a poem ______________ a story
(36) Name 02 percussion instruments for very young learners.
(37) Write the following phrases to match the lines of the finger play.
standing near / not so tall / kind and dear / see how tall / sweet and small / one and all.
This is mama __________________________________
This is papa __________________________________
This is brother __________________________________
This is sister __________________________________
This is baby __________________________________
This is the family; __________________________________
Organization, Management of Pre-schools and Methods of Assessment.
Organization, Management of Pre-schools and Methods of Assessment.
Final Examination - ( BATCH NO. - 07 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer five questions, selecting at least two from each part.
(01.) Write short notes on any four of the following.
i. A definition for management.
ii. Aim of pre-school education.
iii. The meaning of overall development of the child.
iv. Main documents maintained in an Early Childhood Development centre.
v. Role of the pre-school teacher. ( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(02.) Name the standards set by the Children’s Secretariat of the Ministry of Social Services for a child-friendly Early Childhood Development Centre. Describe any two of them.
( 20 marks )
(03.) Describe any four of the following features of the learning environment of a pre-school.
i. Home corner
ii. Book corner
iii. Messy area
iv. Art corner
v. Music area
vi. An area where there are animals and plants. ( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(04.) Imagine that you are going to start a pre-school of your own, describe how you would do it.
( 20 marks )
(05.) Write what you know about the Western Province, Provincial Council Pre-school statute No. 04 of 2003 under the following.
* Objectives
* Competent Authority
* Registration of pre-schools
* Qualifications of pre-school teachers and their training.
( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(06.) i. Describe three attainment purposes of assessment.
ii. Describe three diagnostic purposes of assessment.
iii. Describe two advantages of formative assessment.( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(07.) i. Describe how an anecdotal report can be used to assess student behaviour.
ii. Describe how a diary report can be used to assess student behaviour.
iii. Describe how a student portfolio can be used to show development of student skills. ( 06 + 06 + 08 = 20 marks )
(08.) i. Prepare a schedule to observe a group activity in clay-work.
ii. Describe how to test identification of shapes.
iii. Prepare a profile for one student to show the following scores 70, 82, 35, 72, 65 in any five skills. ( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(09.) i. Prepare a check list to show a students performance in singing.
ii. Explain why reports are important for parents.
iii. Explain why reports are important for the principal.
( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(10.) i. Explain the importance of keeping records for a pre-school.
ii. Name the daily records maintained by a preschool teacher.
iii. Explain how a report card can be used to show strengths and weaknesses of student performance. ( 07 + 05 + 08 = 20 marks )
Organization, Management of Pre-schools and Methods of Assessment.
Final Examination - Batch No. - 09 ( 2008 - 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer five questions, selecting at least two from each part.
(01.) i. Explain the concept of management.
ii. Describe the process of management. ( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(02.) Describe a child-friendly Early Childhood Development Centre. ( 20 marks )
(03.) i. Name five standards set by the children’s secretariat of the Ministry of Social Services for an Early Childhood Development Centre.
ii. Describe any five of them. ( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(04.) Write short notes on,
i. Aims and objectives of Early Childhood Development Education.
ii. Documents maintained in an Early Childhood Development Center.
iii. Equipment in a pre-school. ( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(05.) Examine the process involved in the opening up of a pre-school. ( 20 marks )
(06.) i. Write 03 activities which develops childs thinking power.
ii. Write 03 manual skills which help childs doing power.
iii. Write 03 activities which help childs power of expression.
( 06 + 07 + 07 = 20 marks )
(07.) i. Draw a format for base line survey to identify disruptive behaviour of a child.
ii. Describe how to write a diary record.
iii. Describe how to write an anecdotal report. ( 08 + 06 + 06 = 20 marks )
(08.) i. Write 05 questions for a case study to identify home background of a pre-school child.
ii. Draw a happy flower record to show five competencies in any subject.
iii. Draw a rating scale. ( 05 + 08 + 07 = 20 marks )
(09.) i. Design an observation schedule with 3 indications to identify reading skills.
ii. Describe how to design a progress chart.
iii. Describe how to give a test to identify colours. ( 08 + 07 + 05 = 20 marks )
(10.) i. Describe the use of a report card to the parents.
ii. Write 05 comments for a any subject.
iii. Write how you instruct the parent to improve reading.
( 05 + 08 + 07 = 20 marks )
Organization, Management of Pre-schools and Methods of Assessment.
Final Examination - BATCH NO : 10
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer five questions, selecting at least two questions from each part.
(01.) i. What do you mean by the term “Management” ? ( 05 marks )
ii. Describe the process of Management. ( 15 marks )
(02.) i. What do you mean by a “child- friendly preschool” ? ( 05 marks )
ii. Name and describe the three types of environment in a child friendly pre-school.
( 15 marks )
(03.) i. Name the ten standards set by the Childrens’ Secretariat of the Ministry of Social Services for child-friendly Early Childhood Development Centres. ( 10 marks )
ii. Describe any three of them. ( 10 marks )
(04.) Describe the main features of the following.
i. The indoor learning environment. ( 10 marks )
ii. The outdoor learning environment ( 10 marks )
(05.) According to the Western Province Provincial Council Pre-school Statute No. 04 OD 2003.
i. Explain the procedure to be observed for registration of a pre-school.
( 10 marks )
ii. Explain the academic and professional qualifications of pre-school teachers and their training. ( 10 marks )
(06.) i. Write the uses of a base line survey to identify the skills to do.
ii. Write the use of a diary report to identify the Social Skills of Students.
iii. Describe how to give a test to identify shapes. ( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(07.) i. Write 05 questions to identify manual and tool skills of a child.
ii. Write 05 questions to identify the family background of a child.
iii. Design a check list to identify listening and speaking skills.
( 05 + 05 + 10 = 20 marks )
(08.) i. Design an observation schedule to identify social skills of a child.
ii. Describe how to write an anecdotal record.
iii. Describe how to write a diary record. ( 08 + 06 + 06 = 20 marks )
(09.) i. Design a happy flower format to show dancing sills. of 2 students.
ii. Design an athletic on the podium format to show communication skills of 2 students.
iii. Draw a rating scale.
( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(10.) i. Design a report card to be sent to parents.
ii. Describe the usefulness of a report students.
iii. Describe the usefulness of a report to the principal. ( 10 + 05 + 05 = 20 marks )
Organization, Management of Pre-schools and Methods of Assessment.
Final Examination - BATCH NO : 11
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer five questions, selecting at least two questions from each part.
(01.) Write short notes on any four of the following.
i. Management.
ii. The overall development of a child.
iii. Equipment in the play area.
iv. The Messy Area.
v. Records maintained in a pre-school.
( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(02.) i. Explain the concept of “a child friendly Early Childhood Development Centre”.
( 05 marks )
ii. Name and describe the three major sections, a child-friendly environment will include.
( 15 marks )
(03.) i. Name the standards set by the Children’s Secretariat of the Ministry of Social Services for a child-friendly early childhood Development Centre. ( 10 marks )
ii. Describe any four of them. ( 10 marks )
(04.) Describe the process involved in the opening up of a pre-school. ( 20 marks )
(05.) Answer the following questions with reference to the Western Province, Provincial Council Pre-school Statute No. 04 of 2003.
i. Who appoints the Competent Authority and what are his main powers, duties and functions ? ( 05 marks )
ii. How to register a pre-school ? ( 05 marks )
iii. What are the educational requirements to be fulfilled by the pre-school controllers and teachers ? ( 05 marks )
iv. What are the punishments given if orders or provisions framed under the statute are violated, breached or neglected in action ? ( 05 marks )
(06.) i. Design a base line survey with five indicators to identify the social behaviour of a student.
ii. Write the usefulness of a base line survey to the pre-school teacher.
iii. Describe the significance of an anecdotal report to the pre-school teacher.
( 08 + 06 + 06 = 20 marks )
(07.) i. Write the names of student work included in a student portfolio.
ii. What is the significance of a portfolio to the teacher ?
iii. Draw rating scales to identify a fine motor skill. ( 05 + 07 + 08 = 20 marks )
(08.) i. Design an observation schedule to identify a gross motor skill of five students.
ii. Write the significance of a screening test.
iii. Describe how to conduct an identification test. ( 08 + 06 + 06 = 20 marks )
(09.) i. Draw a chart to show a students progress in classifying in five tests.
ii. Construct a happy flower report to show rote learning skill of one student.
iii. Write how you can use athletes on the podium to give feed back to the students.
( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(10.) i. Design a report card to be sent to parents.
ii. Write the usefulness of a report to the parents.
iii. Write the usefulness of a report to the pre-school principal.
( 10 + 05 + 05 = 20 marks )
Organization, Management of Pre-schools and Methods of Assessment.
Final Examination - ( BATCH NO. - 07 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer five questions, selecting at least two from each part.
(01.) Write short notes on any four of the following.
i. A definition for management.
ii. Aim of pre-school education.
iii. The meaning of overall development of the child.
iv. Main documents maintained in an Early Childhood Development centre.
v. Role of the pre-school teacher. ( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(02.) Name the standards set by the Children’s Secretariat of the Ministry of Social Services for a child-friendly Early Childhood Development Centre. Describe any two of them.
( 20 marks )
(03.) Describe any four of the following features of the learning environment of a pre-school.
i. Home corner
ii. Book corner
iii. Messy area
iv. Art corner
v. Music area
vi. An area where there are animals and plants. ( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(04.) Imagine that you are going to start a pre-school of your own, describe how you would do it.
( 20 marks )
(05.) Write what you know about the Western Province, Provincial Council Pre-school statute No. 04 of 2003 under the following.
* Objectives
* Competent Authority
* Registration of pre-schools
* Qualifications of pre-school teachers and their training.
( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(06.) i. Describe three attainment purposes of assessment.
ii. Describe three diagnostic purposes of assessment.
iii. Describe two advantages of formative assessment.( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(07.) i. Describe how an anecdotal report can be used to assess student behaviour.
ii. Describe how a diary report can be used to assess student behaviour.
iii. Describe how a student portfolio can be used to show development of student skills. ( 06 + 06 + 08 = 20 marks )
(08.) i. Prepare a schedule to observe a group activity in clay-work.
ii. Describe how to test identification of shapes.
iii. Prepare a profile for one student to show the following scores 70, 82, 35, 72, 65 in any five skills. ( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(09.) i. Prepare a check list to show a students performance in singing.
ii. Explain why reports are important for parents.
iii. Explain why reports are important for the principal.
( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(10.) i. Explain the importance of keeping records for a pre-school.
ii. Name the daily records maintained by a preschool teacher.
iii. Explain how a report card can be used to show strengths and weaknesses of student performance. ( 07 + 05 + 08 = 20 marks )
Organization, Management of Pre-schools and Methods of Assessment.
Final Examination - Batch No. - 09 ( 2008 - 2009 )
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer five questions, selecting at least two from each part.
(01.) i. Explain the concept of management.
ii. Describe the process of management. ( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(02.) Describe a child-friendly Early Childhood Development Centre. ( 20 marks )
(03.) i. Name five standards set by the children’s secretariat of the Ministry of Social Services for an Early Childhood Development Centre.
ii. Describe any five of them. ( 05 + 15 = 20 marks )
(04.) Write short notes on,
i. Aims and objectives of Early Childhood Development Education.
ii. Documents maintained in an Early Childhood Development Center.
iii. Equipment in a pre-school. ( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(05.) Examine the process involved in the opening up of a pre-school. ( 20 marks )
(06.) i. Write 03 activities which develops childs thinking power.
ii. Write 03 manual skills which help childs doing power.
iii. Write 03 activities which help childs power of expression.
( 06 + 07 + 07 = 20 marks )
(07.) i. Draw a format for base line survey to identify disruptive behaviour of a child.
ii. Describe how to write a diary record.
iii. Describe how to write an anecdotal report. ( 08 + 06 + 06 = 20 marks )
(08.) i. Write 05 questions for a case study to identify home background of a pre-school child.
ii. Draw a happy flower record to show five competencies in any subject.
iii. Draw a rating scale. ( 05 + 08 + 07 = 20 marks )
(09.) i. Design an observation schedule with 3 indications to identify reading skills.
ii. Describe how to design a progress chart.
iii. Describe how to give a test to identify colours. ( 08 + 07 + 05 = 20 marks )
(10.) i. Describe the use of a report card to the parents.
ii. Write 05 comments for a any subject.
iii. Write how you instruct the parent to improve reading.
( 05 + 08 + 07 = 20 marks )
Organization, Management of Pre-schools and Methods of Assessment.
Final Examination - BATCH NO : 10
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer five questions, selecting at least two questions from each part.
(01.) i. What do you mean by the term “Management” ? ( 05 marks )
ii. Describe the process of Management. ( 15 marks )
(02.) i. What do you mean by a “child- friendly preschool” ? ( 05 marks )
ii. Name and describe the three types of environment in a child friendly pre-school.
( 15 marks )
(03.) i. Name the ten standards set by the Childrens’ Secretariat of the Ministry of Social Services for child-friendly Early Childhood Development Centres. ( 10 marks )
ii. Describe any three of them. ( 10 marks )
(04.) Describe the main features of the following.
i. The indoor learning environment. ( 10 marks )
ii. The outdoor learning environment ( 10 marks )
(05.) According to the Western Province Provincial Council Pre-school Statute No. 04 OD 2003.
i. Explain the procedure to be observed for registration of a pre-school.
( 10 marks )
ii. Explain the academic and professional qualifications of pre-school teachers and their training. ( 10 marks )
(06.) i. Write the uses of a base line survey to identify the skills to do.
ii. Write the use of a diary report to identify the Social Skills of Students.
iii. Describe how to give a test to identify shapes. ( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(07.) i. Write 05 questions to identify manual and tool skills of a child.
ii. Write 05 questions to identify the family background of a child.
iii. Design a check list to identify listening and speaking skills.
( 05 + 05 + 10 = 20 marks )
(08.) i. Design an observation schedule to identify social skills of a child.
ii. Describe how to write an anecdotal record.
iii. Describe how to write a diary record. ( 08 + 06 + 06 = 20 marks )
(09.) i. Design a happy flower format to show dancing sills. of 2 students.
ii. Design an athletic on the podium format to show communication skills of 2 students.
iii. Draw a rating scale.
( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(10.) i. Design a report card to be sent to parents.
ii. Describe the usefulness of a report students.
iii. Describe the usefulness of a report to the principal. ( 10 + 05 + 05 = 20 marks )
Organization, Management of Pre-schools and Methods of Assessment.
Final Examination - BATCH NO : 11
Time : 2½ Hours
Answer five questions, selecting at least two questions from each part.
(01.) Write short notes on any four of the following.
i. Management.
ii. The overall development of a child.
iii. Equipment in the play area.
iv. The Messy Area.
v. Records maintained in a pre-school.
( 05 x 04 = 20 marks )
(02.) i. Explain the concept of “a child friendly Early Childhood Development Centre”.
( 05 marks )
ii. Name and describe the three major sections, a child-friendly environment will include.
( 15 marks )
(03.) i. Name the standards set by the Children’s Secretariat of the Ministry of Social Services for a child-friendly early childhood Development Centre. ( 10 marks )
ii. Describe any four of them. ( 10 marks )
(04.) Describe the process involved in the opening up of a pre-school. ( 20 marks )
(05.) Answer the following questions with reference to the Western Province, Provincial Council Pre-school Statute No. 04 of 2003.
i. Who appoints the Competent Authority and what are his main powers, duties and functions ? ( 05 marks )
ii. How to register a pre-school ? ( 05 marks )
iii. What are the educational requirements to be fulfilled by the pre-school controllers and teachers ? ( 05 marks )
iv. What are the punishments given if orders or provisions framed under the statute are violated, breached or neglected in action ? ( 05 marks )
(06.) i. Design a base line survey with five indicators to identify the social behaviour of a student.
ii. Write the usefulness of a base line survey to the pre-school teacher.
iii. Describe the significance of an anecdotal report to the pre-school teacher.
( 08 + 06 + 06 = 20 marks )
(07.) i. Write the names of student work included in a student portfolio.
ii. What is the significance of a portfolio to the teacher ?
iii. Draw rating scales to identify a fine motor skill. ( 05 + 07 + 08 = 20 marks )
(08.) i. Design an observation schedule to identify a gross motor skill of five students.
ii. Write the significance of a screening test.
iii. Describe how to conduct an identification test. ( 08 + 06 + 06 = 20 marks )
(09.) i. Draw a chart to show a students progress in classifying in five tests.
ii. Construct a happy flower report to show rote learning skill of one student.
iii. Write how you can use athletes on the podium to give feed back to the students.
( 07 + 07 + 06 = 20 marks )
(10.) i. Design a report card to be sent to parents.
ii. Write the usefulness of a report to the parents.
iii. Write the usefulness of a report to the pre-school principal.
( 10 + 05 + 05 = 20 marks )
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